Life Insurance for Freedom Lovers
We have life insurance services customized for your unique needs and preferences. Simply select the right platform for you:
(not available in NY)
- You are between the ages of 20 – 70
- and want life insurance for family protection
- and have excellent health and a solid credit record
- and do not engage in adventurous hobbies such as scuba diving or rock climbing, or travel abroad
- and need up to $1 mil of term insurance
- and are not replacing an existing policy
- and don’t want to take a medical exam
- and want the convenience of an on-line application.
For people with a medical condition or adventurous hobby:
- You have a current health issue, or history of serious illness
- or engage in adventurous hobbies such as rock climbing, mountain climbing, or scuba diving
- or have negative marks on your credit / financial / motor vehicle / criminal record
- or travel outside the US on business or pleasure
- or have been declined or rated on prior applications.
For men and women doing estate, business, or retirement planning:
- You need a cash-value policy
- or are replacing a policy you have
- or need a policy to fund your estate
- or need a policy to cover a buy-sell agreement, key person, or business loan
- or want assistance with premium financing
- or require a competitive analysis of existing coverage
- or have existing policies you would consider selling for cash
- or have business, family or financial ties outside the US.